Stop Spiraling

2 min readApr 14, 2022

Downward Spiral is a term that means “a situation in which something continuously decreases or gets worse.” It is often associated with depression and addiction.

This is a picture I download off of the internet. Despite being abstract overall, a lesson can be drawn from it’s general shape and labels.

It is a framework of the procession of depression over time shaped in a spiral
to fit the term “spiral” of depression. Typically, one would think of a timeline
going linearly, left to right, but the spiral design allows for dramatic effect and vertical orientation.

A framework to operate “anti-depression”, counter to the depressive spiral,
is to ascend the spiral. Identify where you believe yourself to be,
and shed the symptoms at that level. Move up the spiral, and shed each symptom successively.

This is a different picture I found on the internet that seems to convey the same idea. I did not draw these pictures. I am simply reading them with the tool of directional changes.

Moreover, despite a cultural condoning of the negative view of the spiral, I won’t go as far as to say moving up the spiral — “stopping the spiral” — is the moralistic determined correct behavior. A decision to “stop the spiral” is up to the discretion of the behavioralist. This is simply an insight on the path of steps required once the decision is made.

Cessation of the spiral occurs when it is no more. Therefore reverse the trends until its gone. But this just makes sense right?

If you went down, you gotta go back up to not be down anymore.

Get it Straight

- alex brady

